Alliance Bear Trap

Event Overview

  • Activation: The event can be activated by R4 or R5 members of the alliance every two days at 14:00 UTC, SERVER TIME.
  • Duration: Once activated, the alliance has 30 minutes to defeat the bear.

Event Rewards

  • Resources: Used to upgrade buildings, search, troop training, and healing during battles.
  • Essence Stones: Used to improve Mystic Gear.

Preparation Tips

  • Teleport Near the Bear Trap: Strong players should teleport close to the bear trap to maximize damage output.
  • Be Online Early: Make sure to be online at least 5 minutes before the event starts.
  • Turn Off Auto Join: This ensures you can manually join the strongest rallies.
  • Recall Troops: Ensure all your troops are back in the city and ready for battle.

Absolutely! Here are the battle phase rules explained in more detail:

Battle Phase Rules

  1. Rally Leaders:
    • Only strong players should start rallies. This is because the power of the rally leader significantly impacts the overall effectiveness of the rally.
    • The rally leader’s heroes and their skills play a crucial role in maximizing damage output.
  2. Joining Rallies:
    • Players should join rallies with specific heroes or no heroes at all, depending on the number of rallies they are joining.
    • It’s important to coordinate and ensure that the right heroes are used to boost the rally’s effectiveness.
  3. Number of Rallies:
    • Each player should aim to join at least 3 different rallies. This helps distribute the damage and increases the chances of defeating the bear within the time limit.

Hero Usage

  • Rally Leaders:
    • Use your best 3 heroes. These should be your strongest heroes with the highest star ratings and maxed-out skills.
    • Example combinations include:
      • Molly, Sergey, Bahiti
      • Mia, Flint, Greg
    • Ensure your main heroes are SSR (Orange) with at least 4 stars and all skills maxed.
  • Joining Rallies:
    • When joining a rally, your first hero’s skill will be used to boost the rally leader’s damage.
    • Only send heroes whose skills increase troops’ or heroes’ damage.
    • Do not send blue heroes to rallies as their skills are not as effective.

Hero Lists

  • Main Heroes for Rally Leaders:
    • Mia
    • Flint
    • Molly
    • Greg
    • Philly
    • Logan
    • Alonso
  • Heroes for Joining Rallies:
    • Jessie
    • Seo-Yoon
    • Jasser
    • Jeronimo (P2W)

By following these rules and using the right heroes, you can maximize your alliance’s chances of successfully defeating the bear and earning valuable rewards. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

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