How to Use Squads

The Benefits of Squads in Whiteout Survival and How to Create Them

Whiteout Survival is a game where strategic planning and efficient troop management are key to success. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is the use of Squads. Here’s a look at the benefits of Squads and how you can create them.

Benefits of Squads

  1. Efficiency in Battle:
    • Squads allow you to pre-set troop and hero combinations, making it quicker to deploy your forces during battles. This is especially useful in high-pressure situations like PvP (Player vs. Player) and PvE (Player vs. Environment) events.
  2. Maximized Damage Output:
    • By carefully selecting the right heroes and troops for each Squad, you can maximize your damage output. This is crucial during events like the Bear Hunt, where every bit of damage counts.
  3. Time Management:
    • Using Squads saves time as you don’t have to manually select troops and heroes for each battle. This allows you to focus on other important tasks, such as healing your troops or managing resources.
  4. Strategic Flexibility:
    • Squads provide the flexibility to quickly adapt to different battle scenarios. You can create multiple Squads with different compositions to handle various types of enemies and challenges.

How to Create Squads

Creating Squads in Whiteout Survival is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Access the Squads Menu:
    • Go to your Profile.
    • Select Troops.
    • Click on Squads.
  2. Select Heroes and Troops:
    • Choose the heroes you want to include in your Squad. It’s important to select heroes whose skills complement each other and boost your troops’ effectiveness.
    • Manually select, equalize, or balance your troops based on your needs.
  3. Save Your Squad:
    • Once you have selected your heroes and troops, click Save.
    • Choose the slot where you want to save your Squad. You can create multiple Squads for different scenarios.
  4. Unlock Additional Squads:
    • You can unlock more Squad slots by reaching certain levels with your Furnace or by activating VIP levels.

By effectively utilizing Squads, you can enhance your gameplay experience in Whiteout Survival, ensuring you are always ready for any challenge that comes your way.

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A beautiful initiative from a muddy… and it’s a good reference for the game.